Representative Gina Hinojosa

Gina’s Legislative Priorities

Protecting our Public Schools

We Must Stop Short-Changing Texas Children.

It’s past time to end outdated funding formulas and prioritize innovative strategies that do not negatively impact poor or minority school districts.

Promoting a Climate Friendly agenda

Texas is well positioned to significantly reduce its global emissions

Texas is THE national leader in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Any national plans to address climate change MUST include Texas as an essential part of that plan.

Access to Healthcare for All

Every person deserves access to healthcare, especially during a pandemic.

I authored the Texas Healthy Act because we must expand access to healthcare. Texas has the highest percentage and highest number of uninsured people and children in the country. 

Meet Gina

A native Texan and a proud product of Texas public schools, Gina is a mom, progressive Democrat, and your State Representative for House District 49.

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